Warmblood Stud History
The Warmblood Stud at Bellingara first started in 1999
with the purchase of "Centennial Dais", a Thoroughbred mare
with a Jazz foal at foot. The use of frozen semen from European Warmbloods
was still fairly new in Australia, and we were excited to see the stallions
on offer and become breeders of top class Warmblood horses for dressage.
Soon after buying Dais, we purchased a couple of mares
from Val D'Argent stud, one of the largest Warmblood studs in NSW at the
time. These mares were
- Argentille Ivanka (Ilkay/Valuta) (pictured
- Trimba Honour (Kilof McOhl/xx) with her outstanding
filly foal
- Argentille Barbarella by the imported German
Hannoverian Biathlon (Bolero/Solist).
Warmblood Mare Selection
Our Warmblood mares have been selected for temperament
and trainability, essential traits for the breeding of performance
sport horses. In addition to this, they have excellent conformation
and movement together with strong dressage performance bloodlines.
Warmblood Stallions in our Mare's Pedigrees
- Olympic Ferro (frozen semen)
- Sandro Hit (frozen semen)
- Jive Magic (imp)
- Ilkay (imp)
- Kilof McOhl (imp)
- Bellingara Ferrero
Warmblood Stud Stallion Selection for Breeding
The stallions are selected for the
breeding programme and carefully matched to our mares on the basis
of individual type, movement and conformation. Bloodlines are chosen
with emphasis on dressage performance and the quality and
performance of the offspring these stallions have produced.
Warmblood Stallions Used at Bellingara Stud
To date, we have used Dutch and German frozen semen
and the best of Australia's imported sires to achieve our goals.
Frozen Semen Warmbloods
- Olympic Ferro (Ulft / Farn)
- Sandro Hit (Sandro Song / Ramino)
- Furst Romancier (Furst Heinrich / Romancier)
- De Niro (Donnerhall / Akzent II)
Australian Warmbloods
- Royal Hit (Royal Dance / Welt As)
- Fiji R (Florencio I / Harvard)
Olympic Ferro -
One of the Frozen Semen Sires used in the breeding
at Bellingara Warmblood Stud